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dancebeat4X6-1-ohio6115With the advent of the new year, I’m reflecting on all my experiences from the ballroom dance world. It was less about winning, more about dwelling in joy and gratitude, and learning to invite a spiritual exchange with the Divine.

The purpose of the entire universe is to live. Because life must live itself, consciousness has an experience through each one of us. And joy is “loving engagement” in life, a very beautiful expression.  This is a state of total awareness of what is, in the present moment.

Being present is to be externally and internally aligned with your purpose in that moment. It is to feel aligned with life and rejoice in your aliveness.  There is no worry or fear, only room for joy. I thought about this countless times when I was on the competitive dance floor during my national tour. I took plenty of time to be fully present and sink myself in gratitude – for my healthy body, for the music, and for simply having an opportunity to be there.

The purpose of being on The Floor was not to score higher than the next competitor nor win another trophy.  It was a place to practice the expression of both joy and gratitude, and through dancing, learn to establish an energetic flow with the universe. Dance invites us to awaken to a greater trust in the Presence’s spontaneity and creativity.  This is the moment when we actively participate in life as a co-creator with the Divine.  A good waltz or tango can drive the point home because I noticed I was always more successful at winning when these points were aligned.charlene proctor

How can we take these ideas off The Floor and put them to use in our daily experiences? Practice by slowing down. Take a moment to feel where you are.  Sometimes there is no other reason for doing something than just being. Joy is simply experiencing what is in front of you, like smelling a delicious dessert, playing a sport you love, or resting your gaze on beautiful scenery.  When simple acts become enjoyable experiences, you live joyously.

I don’t think I’ll give up my ballroom dancing this year, but use it to observe life from a different perspective. Hopefully, it will allow me to teach some spiritual lessons along the way!  I don’t know what opportunities are on the horizon, but whatever is presented to me I think will be a result of being aligned with joy and gratitude for all life has offered me in 2012.

Every Blessing,

Read about my journey in Dance Beat News

Click here to view The Oneness Gospel Book Trailer and a lesson on suffering.

See John 15:9-17 for instructions on loving and dwelling in joy.